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Showing posts from November, 2013

Flying by KLM

Along the inside edge of a reading lamp this person writes "I love flying by" and crosses out the letters KLM which were written by someone else. At first I thought that they may have been referring to a song but then I discovered that KLM is the Royal Dutch Airlines.

Anarchists are Short

This green symbol drawn on a library stool is commonly associated with anarchists. Why it is on a stool in a library I have no idea. What it tells me is that anarchists need books on the top shelf!

Legalize Today

This person writes LEGALIZE TODAY. The fact that the note appears in all caps shows that they felt strongly towards whatever it is that they wanted legalized. Providing modern context to these words it is likely that the individual was referring to gay marriage or medical marijuana.

Don't dream your life, live your dreams

Graffiti on a sign in Paris France. The message reads to "Don't dream your life, live your dreams". Photo courtesy of  +Alexander Gryson


This photo was taken in Chicago in May 1973. These words on the side of a liquor store show that Chicago was full of gangsters, love and pee. Among the words immortalized by this photo are  Carzy Horse, Booca Swift, Spoon Love, Bridget Love, Bebop Love, Boo-Bo and many others.

Good Loves You

This person writes "Good Loves You". At some later point the word good is changed to god. The change likely symbolizing that those two words were synonymous to the writer.

Old Tree

That date looks like 1862 to me. The eight is probably just distorted and is really a nine. I cant really read anything else here but it is writing.

Bill and Terry Forever

Bill and Terry's devotion to one another symbolized by the infinity sign which accompanies their names.

The Internet Here Sucks

The internet is an important resource for information and communication. The internet in this location was pretty poor when this was written. It has been significantly improved since then and is currently operating at 1.52 MB/s.

I Cant Read This

I cant read what this says but it is probably someone's name. It could also say something insulting about people who cant read this language.


Poop, the word of the people. Written with penance on the property of our population. So proclaims the proletariat!